August 16, 2020
Amy Opie, A.Opie Designs | Fall Collection Designer Spotlight
We’ve so enjoyed collaborating with Amy Opie of A.Opie Designs on our 2020 Fall Capsule Collection! The fact that Amy lives in Alabama and we live in Michigan didn’t hamper our collective creativity, nor the wonderful comradery we’ve developed. No matter the distance, it is always a joy to see how knitting can bring us together. Thank you, Amy, for a truly great collaboration!
As you will see, Amy’s contribution to our fall pattern capsule is both uplifting in her use of color and inspiring in the way she pairs stitches and colorwork. Her patterns are unique, engaging, and above all, fun!
For those of you who haven’t had the pleasure of meeting and knowing Amy, we are pleased to introduce you to her through this Designer Spotlight.
Q. When did you first learn to knit and who taught you?
Q. As you were learning to knit, what was your biggest challenge?
Q. How and when did you decide to design patterns?
Q. What are your sources of creative inspiration?
Q. How would you describe your design aesthetic?
Q. What influences your color choices and pairings?
Q. Do you have a “secret” knitting tip you’re willing to share?
Q. What do you enjoy doing when you’re not knitting and designing?
So far 2020 has rearranged everyone’s “normal” into something different. For me, I would say friends, family, travel, and sports have shifted to FaceTime, reading, jigsaw puzzles, and cooking.....lots and lots of cooking! Without any doubt...knitting still brings me a lot of joy!
With very few early exceptions, I name my patterns after cities or towns in Alabama. Plucky Knitter is Michigan-based....so, what to do?! After a little research, it was no surprise that there were quite a few towns with corresponding names found in both states. I’ve enjoyed learning a little about each town.
I named the Jasper sweater after a city in Cullman County, Alabama, and also a small town in southeast Michigan’s Lenawee County.
And here’s a fun fact about the name of my cowl pattern—there’s a Chelsea, Alabama, and a Chelsea, Michigan, and both have notable, beautiful clock towers!
Q. What was the inspiration behind your Jasper sweater for this collection?
Designing a top down sweater had been a personal goal for 2020. My aim was to create something that a skilled beginner might want to try, but still appeal to more advanced knitters. I wanted to combine my love of color with a little texture... challenging for some, yet holding the interest of others.
Q: What was the inspiration behind your Chelsea Cowl for this collection?
Stranded color work is my ABSOLUTE favorite technique. The endless color options and designs that can be created from this skill appeal to me on so many levels. Chelsea began as a sketch that I translated to a color chart. Always a work in progress, I make changes as I go...ripping....adding…or removing colors. I wanted to break up the stranded color work with a simple textured section that repeats at intervals throughout. I personally LOVE this particular silhouette. It shows off all the color work and creates that pop of color up against coats or sweaters.